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Fund Raising Challenge

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The 2019
Cougars vs. Greyhounds
Challenge is on!

May 2019

About & Subscribe

Whether you’re a Cougar or a Greyhound, we hope that you recall your time at Curtis or JTD with great affection. Making lifelong friends, connecting with a special teacher who instilled in you the confidence to succeed, taking part in time-honored school traditions that created memories of a lifetime, your elementary school experience laid the foundation that prepared you for your future.  


No doubt you can recall, as a Cougar or a Greyhound, playing or cheering on your classmates in some hard-fought soccer game on one of our school’s splendid athletic fields. The friendly, longstanding rivalry between our schools hasn’t died.


And you are invited to keep it going by taking part in a competition to see which of our schools receives the most alumni gifts between April 20 --- April 28. This contest is about participation, not total dollars, so every alumni gift will carry equal weight in the final tally that determines the winner!

The Annual Fund plays a vital role in both our schools: 

  • Almost all independent schools depend on Annual Fund gifts to bridge the gap between tuition and the true cost of educating their students.

  • Your Annual Fund gift to Curtis or JTD enables our schools to attract and retain outstanding faculty, funds exceptional programs in academics, arts and athletics, and creates the outstanding learning environment for which our schools are known.

  • Annual Fund gifts supplement our schools’ financial aid programs and allow us to extend the enriched elementary educational experience you enjoyed to students who would otherwise not be able to attend Curtis or JTD.

  • A strong Annual Fund is allowing Curtis to move forward with confidence to create the programs and enhancements that ensure that students graduate with the four literacies that represent the Curtis educational program: Intellectual, Human, Wellness and Cultural.  This year, the Annual Fund is enabling the school to implement a more robust World Languages program, advancing Curtis School’s programs for diversity, equity and inclusion, helping expand the wellness curriculum and aiding in the development of partnerships with other schools and organizations that help expand Curtis students’ world-view.

  • The Annual Fund covers the cost of things we often take for granted such as maintaining our beautiful campuses and supporting professional development opportunities for our faculty and staff.

  • Last year's donations made to JTD’s Annual Fund enabled every JTD faculty member to participate in Professional Development opportunities, provided ways to further integrate technology into the curriculum with SMART Boards, banks of computers and a new Chromebook for every 5th and 6th grade student, provided funds to expand the Tech Skills Center in the Michaud Academic Center, as well as enabled enhancements of the campus including a variety of new recess equipment

We encourage you to show your school spirit and accept the challenge to join your fellow alumni in making a gift to Curtis’s or JTD’s Annual Fund by April 28.


Your contribution in any amount to your alma mater’s Annual Fund will help enable Curtis and JTD to thrive and to continue to provide the exceptional education and elementary experience for which our schools are recognized.


All gifts are 100% tax-deductible.

Go Cougars!

Curtis School

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Go Greyhounds!


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